Mokuseiderz, Palm-Sized DIY Robots from Japan!

31 Mar

One of my friends recently opened up an online toy shop (Johport) specializing in unique wood toys from Japan. She gave us one of the DIY robot kits to review.

These robot kits are called Mokuseiderz– “Mokusei” means “made from wood” in Japanese. What we thought was really cool (especially my daughter, who is a percussionist) is that these kits are made from high-quality recycled drum sticks.

What we noticed right away are that the kit pieces are tiny! The recommended age range is 12+. You will need to have a steady hand and try to make this in one sitting so you don’t lose any pieces. The instructions were minimal but after looking over all the pieces and watching a few YouTube videos, my 13-year old and engineer husband were able to put the robot together in about one hour.

Despite the small size, the little robot is very high-quality and easily posable! My kids had fun changing its poses, and it stands up surprisingly well too.

We took our little Mokuseiderz robot to the zoo:

If you know a teen or adult who loves to tinker, I think they would love this kit! There are several different robot styles available. Check them all out HERE.

You should also know that Johport is passionate about sustainability and is partnered with One Tree Planted. With each robot purchase, a tree will be planted!

There are many other beautiful toys for purchase. Please share Johport with any friends you know who love eco-friendly and unique toys!

What do you think? どうおもう?